Founded in 1984 by Manuel Matamoros, we deliver expertise to our customers for all plastering, painting and ceiling work on plaster, fibre, metal and removable partitions. Matamoros has been a limited company (Société Anonyme or SA) since 2013 and is currently managed by Julien Viffredo. Our team consists of 22 qualified and fully employed plasterers and painters and their 4 apprentices. In order to guarantee the best possible service for our customers, we have put in place a quality assurance plan. The plan solidifies our commitment to our quality assurance policy. It provides visibility into the way Matamoros is structured to deliver our services and maintain a high level of quality throughout every stage of our work for you. This applies to all our services, from the start of a contract to its conclusion. Discover all our services

Quality Assurance Plan

The company’s main values when it comes to quality are as follows:
  • Respect for our customer and their expectations,
  • Honouring the deadlines we have committed to,
  • Honouring the price we quote you.
At Matamoros, we take the satisfaction of our customers very seriously. All our employees at all levels are attentive to our customers’ need.

Our quality objectives include providing state-of-the-art services that are 100% in line with our customers’ expectations and our values as well as applicable legislation and regulations.

The entire hierarchy of the company is committed to quality delivery and to our customers. The management is proactive in the company’s quality management, in the continuous training of employees and in the implementation of concrete measures.

Our work is insured for 10% of the total cost of the works, regardless of the contracted amount

Our customers’ satisfaction is a company priority. All our employees are attentive to the needs of our customers and our team sets about finding the best way to meet them. Our customers’ property is always safeguarded.

The company has two main areas of expertise, painting and plastering. Each sector has a technician, a supervisor and a specialist team.

The main roles and responsibilities of our technicians and supervisors are as follows:


  • Our Technicians:
    • Prep the area or site for the work
    • Devise a plan for the works
    • Allocate teams accordingly
    • Make an assessment of the requirements in terms of logistics, materials and equipment
    • Attend project-related meetings
  • Our Supervisors:
    • Communicate with and motivate their teams
    • Ensure optimal productivity
    • Check all materials and personal protective equipment
    • Notify technicians of any non-conformities or suggestions for improvement
    • Verify the compliance of all materials
    • Listen carefully to the customer
    • Ensure that all work meets the company’s quality requirements and the customer’s wishes
    • Supervise their teams’ work
    • Ensure deadlines are met
    • Manage unexpected events and resolve them with the team
    • Attend project-related meetings

Les tâches et responsabilités de chaque collaborateur sont communiquées et comprises. Elles font partie intégrante du cahier des charges.

Matamoros is a training provider. The director, Mr Viffredo, is a certified trainer. Training apprentices is one of our passions and we provide this service to an average of three people per year. The director is responsible for monitoring our apprentices.

The director also undergoes fire protection training. All fire safety requirements and good practices are understood and applied company-wide.

We have obtained the “Label 1+ for all” (Label 1+ pour tous) recognition awarded by the city of Geneva to companies who appoint local unemployed people.

All our employees benefit from ongoing training for their role and skill levels. Training proposals are discussed individually to ensure that they are relevant to each employee.

Matamoros uses high-quality specialist equipment. Materials are carefully selected for each job according to the characteristics of the location and the work specifications. This allows us to choose the most suitable materials for each job.

Our work sites are arranged and planned very carefully. The following points are taken into consideration:
  • Allocation of our teams
  • Tools and equipment requirements
  • Selection of materials
At the start of each project, the painting or plastering supervisor gives the team an overview of the work they will be carrying out.

One member of staff is responsible for the quality control of the work carried out at each location. They regularly perform on-site checks of the work. Any corrections required are done by the company on the spot.

The customer then goes through the works acceptance process with the quality control manager, the supervisor and the technician.

Our equipment undergoes regular maintenance at the end of each job, if not more frequently. The two technicians are responsible for managing and maintaining the equipment.

Our internal organisation and the size of our company mean we can respond quickly and adapt easily to unexpected events or any unforeseen changes.

All company documentation is managed by the head of administration and human resources. Document approval is the director’s responsibility.

All applicable legal and regulatory requirements are identified, reviewed and satisfied on an ongoing basis.

Legal vigilance and the identification of legal and other requirements applicable to the company are reviewed regularly and usually announced by the GGE, the Groupement Genevois d’Entreprises du Bâtiment et du Génie Civil (the Geneva Association of Building and Civil Engineering Companies), of which Matamoros is a member.

Legislation with a risk of non-compliance or that is significant to our activities is thoroughly reviewed as a priority.

We make updates when there is a change in legislation to determine the extent to which that change can affect the company.

Our information is updated according to these changes and communicated to the relevant employees via circulars.

All documented information is carefully managed and protected. The content of documents can be checked before they are sent out and the document history is clearly communicated to the customer. Products are used at work sites solely in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Works-related documentation are emailed to project management and sent in paper form to the teams on the ground (plans and technical data sheets for products being used). The technician is responsible for forwarding the latest version of the plans to the team. The following meetings are held internally:  
  • Technical meeting every Thursday, during which the work schedule is drawn up and any emergencies are dealt with,
  • Weekly management meeting to establish the invoicing arrangement,
  • • Strategic meeting at the start of each project with the team, technicians and suppliers to organise resources. We are always seeking to optimise our resources and our schedules.
Management is committed to continuously improving the quality of our services. Management takes all responsibility for the effectiveness of the quality management system:
  • promotes the quality management system,
  • ensure all teams uphold the system,
  • makes sure that all necessary resources are available to achieve the quality objectives,
  • encourages and supports employees to help improvement of the quality management system.
Internal audits are carried out by the painting department on the plastering department. The painting work is carried out once the plastering work is complete.

Some of our previous work

Ecole d’Ingénieurs de Genève / Maison des Arts du Grütli / Uni Mail 1ère et 2e étape / Imm. rue Viollier 2 à 10 / C.O. de la Gradelle / Ecole Plantaporrêts / école du Vélodrome à P.L.O. / Cinégram rue Beau-Site 3 / Musée du Petit-Palais / 16 villas ch. Pierrière à Chambésy / Hôtel Carlton / Collège du Léman / BNP Paribas (2 immeubles Pl. Bel-Air) / Imm. Le Corbusier rue St-Laurent 2-4, / Clinique Générale Beaulieu, / Résidence universitaire rue Amat / l’Alhambra / r. Lausanne 27 A / Crédit Suisse r. Rhône-Monnaie / Les Vergers C3 à Meyrin / Ecoquatrier de Corsier / Centre d’Hypoxie à Onex / EMS de Satigny / Prison de Champ-Dollon / Mairie de Carouge / Hôtel le Kempinski … En savoir plus


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